Friday, January 1, 2010

Oops - 21 weeks and I've gotten lazy!

Yesterday was 21 weeks for baby boy Longworth. We celebrated with an anatomy scan at the hospital, and a trip to the city.

The scan went well, he is measuring 2 days ahead so is now due on our wedding anniversary, May 11th. Of course we all know you can take these things with a huge pinch of salt, so nobody needs to mark their calendars!

Unfortunately since we were at the hospital they were more about the medical images and less about the cute, so we don't have any great photos to share. I do think he looks a bit like his daddy on them but that might be because he looks grumpy!

Anyway, a happy new year to all, and stay tuned for week 22 news!


  1. Have you turned on the comments function yet? I keep trying to make comments....

  2. Oh my goodness! My comment posted! Anyway, I'm commenting to whine that you need to come visit me so you can properly scan your ultrasound pictures..... Pictures of pictures that are already hard to read (I think ultrasound techs are geniuses when they can point out tiny organs because all I see is a huge blob) are not satisfactory for this curious person!!!

  3. If I am unemployed again after today I will definitely come and visit, I had to go in for a level 2 scan yesterday so I finally have some cute ones!
